Friday, August 17, 2007

Week 6 Tagging, Folksonomics, & Technorati Things 13, 14 & 15

Thing #13: I've set up my account and I can't wait to get started. I've always been very lax about editing my bookmarks so this will help tremendously.

Thing #14: Technorati--I'm going to need someone to explain to me face-to-face why I would want to do this. Some of the places I visited were interesting--my husband and I found the opening joke of Cal Ripken's Induction into the Hall of Fame speech--but right now, I'm skipping opening this account.

Thing #15: In 'Away from the "icebergs",' Rick Anderson questions the need for a "just in case" collection. This touches a nerve with me in that I'm just not there yet. I wouldn't want you to think that I'm a technophobe, but I firmly believe that the intangibles of print materials still have a place in our libraries, even if every word and picture is available online. We still have an imperfect technoworld. Our access to the internet can be interrupted for hours, if not days; not to mention that in our "world" we have only five computers for patron internet use. I once worked with a school principal that envisioned a school without books. For our sake, I hope this happens long after the year 2525...

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